Families Who Play Together, Stay Together

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A few weekends ago, we participated in a family obstacle course! How did that come about? Well, I was browsing Instagram a few months ago, and an ad for Kids Obstacle Challenge showed up in my feed. The ad looked pretty cool, so I decided to check out their page. They INSTANTLY hooked me!!! I signed us all up (minus Ry cause it's 5 and up) before even discussing it with any of them. Maybe it's because subconsciously, I knew there would be whining before they'd agree. My life, per usual. (sigh)

Honestly, this was one of the best things we've EVER done as a family! And a first, too. Here's how it went.

I signed only the kiddos up because parents run for free. WAIT, what? Yep, you heard right. You only pay for the kids, which was around $50 each. They have specific time slots that you sign up for all throughout the day and they ask you to arrive an hour early to get checked in.

Once they call your start time, you line up at the starting line, where they have someone who immediately starts pumping you up with pushups, jumping jacks, and even a shot or two from a squirt gun!

Courses range from 1.5 to 2 miles and include between 12 and 15 obstacles. For me, the obstacles were EVERYTHING! A wall climb, ball pit, mud crawl and cargo net climb were just a few of them. My family's favorite was the rope swing over the mud pit. Why was this one their favorite? They thought it was really funny that mom forgot to let go of the rope at the end, and swung back to fall in the mud pit! Too bad we didn't get that on camera.

My personal favorite was the mud crawl. I mean, why do something like this if you're not going to embrace the mud? Plus, it was really fun to drag Paul into the mud! Especially since he thought he was going to stay clean!!!

Kids Obstacle Challenge is a touring event so they have times and locations all over the country. You can even request for them to come to your city! If you like being active, this is the perfect bonding activity for you and your family. I would definitely recommend checking to see if they're coming to a city near you.

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